Psych 2NF3: Clinical Neuropsychology

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Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
(Dr. Ayesha Khan, Winter 2023)

A somewhat easy course for science students, even more so for those with prior knowledge of brain anatomy (psych 1XX3 is somewhat helpful here). Professor Ayesha Khan makes lectures straightforward and the tests are all MC, with most of the answers being found in the lecture and a few being found in the textbook. The content for test 1 is easy, the content for test 2 is somewhat large and test 3 (for this year, i heard last year the whole frontal lobe was taken out, which is much easier) is quite a large amount, so be sure to devote some time to test 2 and 3 due to the amount of content to memorize. Professor Ayesha Khan also gives basically free marks through the tutorial in the form of a small group interactive presentation on a topic covered in class. Thus, it is definitely 12able, but does require some time to memorize, but the content itself is not too challenging and is interesting.

Textbook Use: It was helpful

Methods of Evaluation: Tests, Group Projects

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