Chem 1A03: Introductory Chemistry I

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Rating: 2.5 out of 5.
Dr. Chen (Fall, 2020)

Textbook: Required, Not Helpful

Methods of Evaluation: Tests, Exams, Assignments

Rating: 3 out of 5.
Dr. Greenberg (Fall, 2020)

It was a fun, but challenging course. It had various methods to apply our knowledge which I found to be beneficial in case a person is better at tests or labs, there was something for everyone. The instructors worked hard to ensure information was conveyed effectively via online tools.

Textbook: Wasn’t helpful

Methods of Evaluation: Tests, exams, lab reports

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.
Dr. Emslie (2018)

Make use of modules, but also make sure to check class notes as some topics may be expanded on more. Mastering chemistry is good practice, and make sure to go to classes before midterms as they do review lectures with questions. Practice of last years tests which are given to you, and do tutorial questions for practice in order to make sure you keep up with the work!

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Try and talk concepts through with a study group. I didn’t find the textbook helpful. Instead do practice questions from practice tests and exams.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
Dr. Chibba (Fall, 2019)

Honestly, everyone said this was a difficult course but I didn’t find it too bad. It was very methological. As long as you found a pattern in doing the questions, the exam and tests weren’t hard. Most of the problems were really straightforward and were just reworded between different years with different numbers. The same logic is used to solve most of the problems.

Textbook: Required, It wasn’t helpful

Methods of Evaluation: Tests, Exams, Assignments, Lab Reports

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